Abstract art is about expression. Life can sometimes feel heavy and having a creative outlet to turn to when we're not sure how to articulate what we feel - is priceless.
If you want to express yourself but also crave some direction and help..

"I'm going to share with you all my tips, tools and secrets, we're going to revisit the fundamentals and experiment together to channel the creativity we have inside us and bring it onto the canvas."
About the artist (and your teacher)..

Meet the Artist
"You will see every little thing I do throughout the process, whether it's putting a background on, adding contrast, all the marks and even the final signature on the painting.
You will literally see everything and walk away with so much knowledge that will help you get you off your feet as an artist! You'll gain confidence and some really great tools to create your pieces."
Here's What You're Getting When
You Sign Up To BE YOU
Get familiar with all the tools and paints Mira is gonna be using in her course and learn how to listen to (and act upon) the creative voice inside you.
Good understanding of color is key to creating captivating abstracts. Discover Mira's tricks for working with color and why she encourages NOT to choose a color palette
Good understanding of color is key to creating captivating abstracts. Discover Mira's tricks for working with color and why she encourages NOT to choose a color palette before you start painting.
First Layer
Mira cannot stress enough how important it is to work in layers. Discover how to create the first background layer in Lessons 5-7.
Contrast is what creates depth and visual interest in your work. Learn how to utilize the power of contrast to its fullest potential.
Editing is a crucial step when creating abstract art. Go through the stepping back & thinking process and watch closely how Mira edits her work.
Last Marks
Enjoy the last finishing touches, mark making with oils and pastels and signing your work.